Typically, financial analysis is used to analyse whether an entity is stable, solvent, liquid, or profitable. One key area of financial analysis involves extrapolating the company's past performance into an estimate of the company's future performance.
You also have the choice of providing Umbrella with information in order to produce Financial analysis without taking on your bookkeeping, the choice is yours.
Financial Analysis
Call today for a free consultation and take the first step to financial assurance.
Please contact me on 01273 761061 or email me at gersha@umbrellabk.co.uk
After working for many years in a financial institution in Brighton I decided to grasp the opportunity to set up Umbrella Bookkeeping services, I recognised the need for small to medium sized businesses to have a more cost effective solution for their bookkeeping and financial needs. If you are a small business who needs help keeping on top of your finances, I can work on a basis to suit your needs and budget.